Archive for February, 2011


Lately, life has been full of disappointments. Unfortunately I am not sure when I will be posting anything new. Life is getting in my way of painting.

At the moment, I am physically sick. And sort of emotionally suffering as well. I apologize and hopefully sometime soon I will pick up a brush and be focused. Until then, I am on a hiatus so that I may return emotionally stable and physically better.

Homework for Oceanography

Here I am, going on my next semester @ my community college. Unfortunately, I am not taking a painting class this semester – although I am taking an Oceanography lecture & laboratory.

Homework assignment which is a sketch of tectonic plates – this one is a divergent boundary. Honestly, being in a Earth Science class feels like I am in high school again. =( Anyhow, it’s all good. I am looking forward to learning about the oceans and getting a hands-on experience with the lab.